
About Carlos
Carlos Rubens Bebeacua Rissotto was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 1 October 1954.
He studied at the School of Applied Arts and the National School of Art until he moved on to Skåne in Sweden.
After several years, Carlos began to draw attention to his Environments in southern Sweden.
· Lund 1982, 5000 black garbage bags at St. Hans Backar.
· Malmö 1985, Two black squares.
· Lund 1990, A group of 3 m high persons in plywood in front of Lund’s cathedral, etc.
He also made a movie about poems by Jørgen Nash and in 1983 he won a competition for decorating 25 meter of corridors in Lund hospital.
In Sweden, he had exhibitions at the legendary Galleri St. Petri and Arkivmuseet in Lund, Mariestadsmuseet, Galleri Arte and Sydsvenska Hallen in Malmö, Folkets Hus, and Riksorganisations exhibitions, amongst others.
In August 1983, Carlos moved to Copenhagen, and was soon involved in exhibitions, action-paintings and environments.
In 1988, he joined the art and cultural society Syntese, which he left in 1990 in order to create Fusion International together with Milton Blanc, Dea Trier Mørk, Annie Hedvard, Laura Horldof and others.
In 1991, Carlos, the deaf actress Gertrud Magnusson and the graffiti-maker Emil Klem started the International Laboratory of Culture.
The International Laboratory of Culture was officially invited to make an exhibition in the Danish Pavilion at the Expo 1992 in Sevilla, Spain. Here, Carlos’ painting ”The Madonna of Orgasm” was censured as pornographic. In protest, the group conducted an action-painting with their feet. Here Carlos wrote ”La Expo es un robo”, (”Expo is a fake”) which resulted in the entire group being arrested by the Spanish police and finally expelled from the Expo area.
The happening and its publicity resulted in the concept of ”The Church of the Madonna of Orgasm”, which Carlos began in 1996. This proved to be a self-promoting process that reached far beyond the boarders of Scandinavia.
In Denmark, Carlos had exhibitions at Eks-skola förlag, Charlottenborg, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Arbejder Museet, Roskilde Paleet, Galerie Knud Grothe, Hursanstalten i Roskilde, Galleri Stender, among others. He has made events and performances at The National Museum of Art, Nikolaj, the Circus building, etc. He has received support from the Danish Ministry of Culture, Copenhagen Kulturfonden, the EU’s cultural programme, and private foundations.
Today, Carlos lives in Lövestad, Skåne, and in Reus, Spain, and is active member of KRO and BUS in Sweden.
Carlos’ works are described in the following books and magazines:
Dansk Kunst 1989, 1992.
Jørgen Nashs Vingeslag over vandet - Borgen 1994.
Politikens forlag Ny Leksikon om Verdens Religioner.
North Information n: 219 Synæstesi 89-98.
Gud er stadig bla, Mikael Rothstein - Aschehoug forlag 2001.
TV- productions:
Saga Produktion - Solar Plexus Denmark.
Billede jakt - DR1, Denmark.
Danmark Direkt, DR2, Denmark.
Sins Cities - Woodoo Production, England.
TV Producción Nordica, Bäst i världen - Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
Curriculum Vitae
Carlos Rubens Bebeacua Rissotto (Carlos), born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1954, moved to Skåne in 1976, Swedish citizen since 1978. Member of the asociacion of artist KRO and BUS, Sweden.
1969 School of Applied Arts (Artes Aplicadas), Montevideo, Uruguay.
1970 - 73 National School of Art (Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes), Montevideo , Uruguay.
1980 - 81 Aesthetic art, Östra Grevie, Sweden
Solo exhibitions:
1979 Galleri Bladet, Åhus -Sweden
1981 Galleri Arte, Malmö - Sweden
1983 Mariestad Konst Museum - Sweden
1984 Spiseloppen, Christiania, Copenhagen - Denmark
1985 Sydssvenska Halen, Malmö - Sweden
1985 Fashion Art Galleri , Hellerup - Denmark
1986 Krasnapolsky, Copenhagen - Denmark
1986 EKS-Skolens Forlag, Copenhagen - Denmark
1987 Galleri Sct. Agnes - Husarstalden, Roskilde, Denmark
1987 Lyngby Kunstforening, Denmark
1988 Lunds Museum for Dekorativ Konst, Lund - Sweden
1988 Galleri Palmer, Copenhagen, Denmark
1992 Den Frie Udstillings Bygning, Copenhagen, Denmark
1992 Den Danske Pavillon, Expo-92 - Världens utställning, Sevilla, Spain
1995 Den Frie Udstillings Bygning, Copenhagen, Denmark
1996 Galleri Munter, Odense, Denmark
1996 Galleri Mejeriet, Horslunde, Denmark
1996 Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlottenlund, Denmark
1998-2001 Vandre Udstilling Carlos frå Sweden - Folkets Hus Riksorganisationen, Sweden.
2004 Fælles Kassen, Frederigsberg - Denmark.
Joint exhibitions:
1979 Galleri S:t Petri, Lund - Sweden
1982 Art/catastrof International, Savona, Italien
1984 Arbejder Museet, Copenhagen - Denmark
1984 Konst åt alla, Lund - Sweden
1984 Sydsvenska Hallen, Malmö - Sweden
1985 Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 Charlottenborg, Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 Palæet, Roskilde - Denmark
1990 Krasnapolsky, Copenhagen - Denmark
1990 Instituto Cultural de la Embajada Espanola, Hellerup - Denmark
1990 Bornholms Central Library - Denmark
1990 Aalborg Hallen - Denmark
1990 Odenses City Hall - Denmark
1990 Kunst Huset, Århus - Denmark
1991 Musikhuset, Århus - Denmark
1991 Aalborg Hallen - Denmark
1991 Konst åt alla, Lund - Sweden
1991 Kunsthalen, Copenhagen - Denmark
1997 Konst åt alla, Lund - Sweden
1997 Centro Cultural Florencio Sanches, Montevideo - Uruguay -
1999 Jungfrugården nov.-dec. , Malmö, Sweden.
2007 Rupestria 07, Murcia - Spain.
Installations - Environment:
1983 S:t Hans backar , Lund - Sweden
1985 Pildammsparken, Malmö - Sweden
1986 Fælledparken, Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 Lunds Domkirken - Sweden
1996 Copenhagens City Hall, room 103 D, Copenhagen - Denmark
1997 Quinta do Bogalho, Odemira - Portugal
1984 Lund Hospital, (25 m. lang) Sweden
1988 Tekniske Direktorat (9 m. lang), Copenhagen -Denmark
1989 Sundby Medborgerhus (5 etager), Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 TMV - Festival, (30 m. lang), Trondhjem - Norge
1991 Svanemøllehallen, Copenhagen - Denmark
1992 Copenhagener Salen - Grøndal Centret, Copenhagen - Denmark
1993 Remisen Østerbro, Copenhagen Denmark
1993 Sundheds Direktoratet (conference room), Copenhagen - Denmark
1993 Casal de Sordos de Barcelona, Spain
1995 Copenhagens Kommunalforenings (conference room), Denmark
1996 Plan & Handling, total decoration, Copenhagen - Denmark
2000 Limhamns Folkets Hus, Sweden.
2003 Værløses Minikluben, Denmark.
Multimedia and productions:
1990 U-Matic, Copenhagen - Denmark
1990 Helligkors Kirke, Copenhagen - Denmark
1991 NIKOLAJ, Copenhagen - Denmark
1991 National Art Museum, Copenhagen - Denmark
1992 The Danish Pavilion, Expo´92, Exposición Mundial, Sevilla Spain
1993 Cirkusbygning, Copenhagen - Denmark
1994 IV Internacional de Teatro para Jovenes Sordos, Barcelona, Spain
Action painting:
1983 Ny Torv, Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 TMV-Festival, Trondhjem - Norge
1989 BMW-Hallen, Valby - Denmark
1989 Copenhagen Central Station, Denmark
1990 Land og Folk Festivalen, Copenhagen - Denmark
1990 Lunds100 year Jubilee, Kulturmejeriet, Sweden
1990 Kunst Huset, Århus - Denmark
1990 1. Mayo 100 års Jubilæum , Fælledparken, Copenhagen - Denmark
1990 U- Matic, Copenhagen - Denmark
1990 Lyngby Storcenter, Lyngby - Denmark
1990 SID, Kastrup - Denmark
1991 Brumleby´s Begravelses Fest, Copenhagen - Denmark
1991 Trinitatis Plads, Copenhagen - Denmark
1992 Kultour-safari, 4 spanske byer, Valencia, Málaga, Toledo, Sevilla
1997 Huddinge kongres Center, Stockholm, Sweden
1999 Ljunby Folkets Hus, Sweden
1986 Den Frie Udstillings Bygning, Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 Charlottenborg, Copenhagen - Denmark
1992 Plaza de la Virgen, Valencia - Spain
1992 Plaza de Zotodober, Toledo - Spain
1992 La Garrapata, Málaga - Spain
1993 Club Absalon, Copenhagen - Denmark
1996 Odense, Utteslev, Denmark
1996 Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlkottenlund - Denmark
1996 Arken ( Memory Arena)- Denmark.
1999 Ljunby Folkets Hus, Sweden.
2004 La Tertulia - Zaragoza, Spain.
Skitsernes Museum, Lund, Sweden - Museum Erotica, Copenhagen, Denmark
Mariestad Kulturnämden, Mariestad, Sweden
Lunds Kulturnämden, (med FUSION INT.) Lund, Sweden
Ålborgs Kommune, Denmark
Folkets Hus Riksorganisations samling, Sweden.
1982 Movie about Jørgen Nash’s poems
1983 1a. Super-8 Triennale, Lund - Sweden
Posters, postcards and illustrations.
Art magazines and boks:
Dansk Kunst 1989, 1992.
Vingeslag over vandet, av Jørgen Nash, Borgen 1994.
North Information nr. 219, Synæstesi 89-98. 1995
Ny Leksikon om Verdens Religioner, Politikens forlag 2000.
Gud er stadig bla, Mikael Rothstein - Aschehoug forlag 2001.
Seksualitet, din Tidsskrift for religion og kultur, nr. 2+3/2001
Totem, tidsskrift ved Institut for Religionvidenskab, Aahus Universitet, nr. 1, 2002
Support from:
1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, Copenhagen Kulturfond
1992, Denmarks Ministry of Culture
1993, EU Kalejdoskop program
Private foundations.
Carlos Rubens Bebeacua Rissotto was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 1 October 1954.
He studied at the School of Applied Arts and the National School of Art until he moved on to Skåne in Sweden.
After several years, Carlos began to draw attention to his Environments in southern Sweden.
· Lund 1982, 5000 black garbage bags at St. Hans Backar.
· Malmö 1985, Two black squares.
· Lund 1990, A group of 3 m high persons in plywood in front of Lund’s cathedral, etc.
He also made a movie about poems by Jørgen Nash and in 1983 he won a competition for decorating 25 meter of corridors in Lund hospital.
In Sweden, he had exhibitions at the legendary Galleri St. Petri and Arkivmuseet in Lund, Mariestadsmuseet, Galleri Arte and Sydsvenska Hallen in Malmö, Folkets Hus, and Riksorganisations exhibitions, amongst others.
In August 1983, Carlos moved to Copenhagen, and was soon involved in exhibitions, action-paintings and environments.
In 1988, he joined the art and cultural society Syntese, which he left in 1990 in order to create Fusion International together with Milton Blanc, Dea Trier Mørk, Annie Hedvard, Laura Horldof and others.
In 1991, Carlos, the deaf actress Gertrud Magnusson and the graffiti-maker Emil Klem started the International Laboratory of Culture.
The International Laboratory of Culture was officially invited to make an exhibition in the Danish Pavilion at the Expo 1992 in Sevilla, Spain. Here, Carlos’ painting ”The Madonna of Orgasm” was censured as pornographic. In protest, the group conducted an action-painting with their feet. Here Carlos wrote ”La Expo es un robo”, (”Expo is a fake”) which resulted in the entire group being arrested by the Spanish police and finally expelled from the Expo area.
The happening and its publicity resulted in the concept of ”The Church of the Madonna of Orgasm”, which Carlos began in 1996. This proved to be a self-promoting process that reached far beyond the boarders of Scandinavia.
In Denmark, Carlos had exhibitions at Eks-skola förlag, Charlottenborg, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Arbejder Museet, Roskilde Paleet, Galerie Knud Grothe, Hursanstalten i Roskilde, Galleri Stender, among others. He has made events and performances at The National Museum of Art, Nikolaj, the Circus building, etc. He has received support from the Danish Ministry of Culture, Copenhagen Kulturfonden, the EU’s cultural programme, and private foundations.
Today, Carlos lives in Lövestad, Skåne, and in Reus, Spain, and is active member of KRO and BUS in Sweden.
Carlos’ works are described in the following books and magazines:
Dansk Kunst 1989, 1992.
Jørgen Nashs Vingeslag over vandet - Borgen 1994.
Politikens forlag Ny Leksikon om Verdens Religioner.
North Information n: 219 Synæstesi 89-98.
Gud er stadig bla, Mikael Rothstein - Aschehoug forlag 2001.
TV- productions:
Saga Produktion - Solar Plexus Denmark.
Billede jakt - DR1, Denmark.
Danmark Direkt, DR2, Denmark.
Sins Cities - Woodoo Production, England.
TV Producción Nordica, Bäst i världen - Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
Curriculum Vitae
Carlos Rubens Bebeacua Rissotto (Carlos), born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1954, moved to Skåne in 1976, Swedish citizen since 1978. Member of the asociacion of artist KRO and BUS, Sweden.
1969 School of Applied Arts (Artes Aplicadas), Montevideo, Uruguay.
1970 - 73 National School of Art (Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes), Montevideo , Uruguay.
1980 - 81 Aesthetic art, Östra Grevie, Sweden
Solo exhibitions:
1979 Galleri Bladet, Åhus -Sweden
1981 Galleri Arte, Malmö - Sweden
1983 Mariestad Konst Museum - Sweden
1984 Spiseloppen, Christiania, Copenhagen - Denmark
1985 Sydssvenska Halen, Malmö - Sweden
1985 Fashion Art Galleri , Hellerup - Denmark
1986 Krasnapolsky, Copenhagen - Denmark
1986 EKS-Skolens Forlag, Copenhagen - Denmark
1987 Galleri Sct. Agnes - Husarstalden, Roskilde, Denmark
1987 Lyngby Kunstforening, Denmark
1988 Lunds Museum for Dekorativ Konst, Lund - Sweden
1988 Galleri Palmer, Copenhagen, Denmark
1992 Den Frie Udstillings Bygning, Copenhagen, Denmark
1992 Den Danske Pavillon, Expo-92 - Världens utställning, Sevilla, Spain
1995 Den Frie Udstillings Bygning, Copenhagen, Denmark
1996 Galleri Munter, Odense, Denmark
1996 Galleri Mejeriet, Horslunde, Denmark
1996 Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlottenlund, Denmark
1998-2001 Vandre Udstilling Carlos frå Sweden - Folkets Hus Riksorganisationen, Sweden.
2004 Fælles Kassen, Frederigsberg - Denmark.
Joint exhibitions:
1979 Galleri S:t Petri, Lund - Sweden
1982 Art/catastrof International, Savona, Italien
1984 Arbejder Museet, Copenhagen - Denmark
1984 Konst åt alla, Lund - Sweden
1984 Sydsvenska Hallen, Malmö - Sweden
1985 Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 Charlottenborg, Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 Palæet, Roskilde - Denmark
1990 Krasnapolsky, Copenhagen - Denmark
1990 Instituto Cultural de la Embajada Espanola, Hellerup - Denmark
1990 Bornholms Central Library - Denmark
1990 Aalborg Hallen - Denmark
1990 Odenses City Hall - Denmark
1990 Kunst Huset, Århus - Denmark
1991 Musikhuset, Århus - Denmark
1991 Aalborg Hallen - Denmark
1991 Konst åt alla, Lund - Sweden
1991 Kunsthalen, Copenhagen - Denmark
1997 Konst åt alla, Lund - Sweden
1997 Centro Cultural Florencio Sanches, Montevideo - Uruguay -
1999 Jungfrugården nov.-dec. , Malmö, Sweden.
2007 Rupestria 07, Murcia - Spain.
Installations - Environment:
1983 S:t Hans backar , Lund - Sweden
1985 Pildammsparken, Malmö - Sweden
1986 Fælledparken, Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 Lunds Domkirken - Sweden
1996 Copenhagens City Hall, room 103 D, Copenhagen - Denmark
1997 Quinta do Bogalho, Odemira - Portugal
1984 Lund Hospital, (25 m. lang) Sweden
1988 Tekniske Direktorat (9 m. lang), Copenhagen -Denmark
1989 Sundby Medborgerhus (5 etager), Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 TMV - Festival, (30 m. lang), Trondhjem - Norge
1991 Svanemøllehallen, Copenhagen - Denmark
1992 Copenhagener Salen - Grøndal Centret, Copenhagen - Denmark
1993 Remisen Østerbro, Copenhagen Denmark
1993 Sundheds Direktoratet (conference room), Copenhagen - Denmark
1993 Casal de Sordos de Barcelona, Spain
1995 Copenhagens Kommunalforenings (conference room), Denmark
1996 Plan & Handling, total decoration, Copenhagen - Denmark
2000 Limhamns Folkets Hus, Sweden.
2003 Værløses Minikluben, Denmark.
Multimedia and productions:
1990 U-Matic, Copenhagen - Denmark
1990 Helligkors Kirke, Copenhagen - Denmark
1991 NIKOLAJ, Copenhagen - Denmark
1991 National Art Museum, Copenhagen - Denmark
1992 The Danish Pavilion, Expo´92, Exposición Mundial, Sevilla Spain
1993 Cirkusbygning, Copenhagen - Denmark
1994 IV Internacional de Teatro para Jovenes Sordos, Barcelona, Spain
Action painting:
1983 Ny Torv, Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 TMV-Festival, Trondhjem - Norge
1989 BMW-Hallen, Valby - Denmark
1989 Copenhagen Central Station, Denmark
1990 Land og Folk Festivalen, Copenhagen - Denmark
1990 Lunds100 year Jubilee, Kulturmejeriet, Sweden
1990 Kunst Huset, Århus - Denmark
1990 1. Mayo 100 års Jubilæum , Fælledparken, Copenhagen - Denmark
1990 U- Matic, Copenhagen - Denmark
1990 Lyngby Storcenter, Lyngby - Denmark
1990 SID, Kastrup - Denmark
1991 Brumleby´s Begravelses Fest, Copenhagen - Denmark
1991 Trinitatis Plads, Copenhagen - Denmark
1992 Kultour-safari, 4 spanske byer, Valencia, Málaga, Toledo, Sevilla
1997 Huddinge kongres Center, Stockholm, Sweden
1999 Ljunby Folkets Hus, Sweden
1986 Den Frie Udstillings Bygning, Copenhagen - Denmark
1989 Charlottenborg, Copenhagen - Denmark
1992 Plaza de la Virgen, Valencia - Spain
1992 Plaza de Zotodober, Toledo - Spain
1992 La Garrapata, Málaga - Spain
1993 Club Absalon, Copenhagen - Denmark
1996 Odense, Utteslev, Denmark
1996 Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlkottenlund - Denmark
1996 Arken ( Memory Arena)- Denmark.
1999 Ljunby Folkets Hus, Sweden.
2004 La Tertulia - Zaragoza, Spain.
Skitsernes Museum, Lund, Sweden - Museum Erotica, Copenhagen, Denmark
Mariestad Kulturnämden, Mariestad, Sweden
Lunds Kulturnämden, (med FUSION INT.) Lund, Sweden
Ålborgs Kommune, Denmark
Folkets Hus Riksorganisations samling, Sweden.
1982 Movie about Jørgen Nash’s poems
1983 1a. Super-8 Triennale, Lund - Sweden
Posters, postcards and illustrations.
Art magazines and boks:
Dansk Kunst 1989, 1992.
Vingeslag over vandet, av Jørgen Nash, Borgen 1994.
North Information nr. 219, Synæstesi 89-98. 1995
Ny Leksikon om Verdens Religioner, Politikens forlag 2000.
Gud er stadig bla, Mikael Rothstein - Aschehoug forlag 2001.
Seksualitet, din Tidsskrift for religion og kultur, nr. 2+3/2001
Totem, tidsskrift ved Institut for Religionvidenskab, Aahus Universitet, nr. 1, 2002
Support from:
1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, Copenhagen Kulturfond
1992, Denmarks Ministry of Culture
1993, EU Kalejdoskop program
Private foundations.
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